What am I to do when the future's at stake -- I can not be common -- this has got to be great -- mostHi
Made Off - On the things that life will do -- Running with the bag -- Moving with the money
You can run without the bag -- Can't move without the money -- Cause the only thing important -- is
The lord already had a plan and all he wanted to do is use my hands -- in exchange for an alleluia -- "No Excuese"
What happens -- when you have an appetite for disaster -- Shhh be going wrong -- shhh be going backWARDS
Love -- Live On -- I didn't imagine a love painful -- But yet and still I am thankful
Put it all in prospective -- I'm going to keep it close -- Cain't touch what your eyes see -- A Ghost
Started Off Short but ended up tall -- I just wanna win -- but first you gotta ball -- there's no way around it -- this the way I found it -- and I just trying to lift it up -- it can't be grounded